Recommended Reading - October Edition
Over the course of October I’ve been keeping track of some of my favourite things that I’ve read, and decided that I would try something new by sharing them. In truth there was a point where I was struggling to think of anything to write about and this seemed a lazy way out, but seeing as I’d already put the list together I thought I may as well still share it! They aren’t all communities of practice related, but they’re all (in my opinion at least) worth a read :)
Links to articles I’ve really enjoyed…
Bridging Silos and Overcoming Collaboration Antipatterns in Multidisciplinary Organisations
Shut up! Changing who facilitates a conversation can have a huge impact on your community growth
Everything you need to track your movies, music, books, and more
Youtube videos I’ve really enjoyed…
Marianne Duijst :The Power of Not Yet – Improve Your Testing Skills
And a few other Substack posts I’ve really enjoyed…
Thanks so much for reading, if you’ve enjoyed this post I’d really appreciate it if you could share it - alternatively you could always buy me a coffee :)