Recommended Reading - December Edition
I’ve been keeping track of some of my favourite things that I’ve read watched and….erm…, and decided that I would share them. They aren’t all communities of practice related, but they’re all (in my opinion at least) worth a read :)
Links to articles I’ve really enjoyed…
How I’m Learning to Embrace Loneliness - Simon Sinek
I forgot to share this at the time, but its got me in it! A cosmic conversation about the advantages of communities of practice | Ministry of Testing
Law ‘SuperInfluencer’ Jen Shipley’s LinkedIn posts worth £300k, marketing guru claims
How to responsibly get rid of the stuff you’ve decluttered
Traffic Camera 'Selfie' Creator Holds Cease and Desist Letter in Front of Traffic Cam
EDI Pioneers: It only takes one person to break through barriers and establish new horizons
YouTube videos I’ve really enjoyed…
And a few other Substack posts I’ve really enjoyed…
Thanks so much for reading this year, if you’ve enjoyed this post or any others I’ve written I’d really appreciate it if you could share it - alternatively you could always buy me a coffee :)